Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The iPhone is exploding

iPhone 6 Plus

An iPhone 6 Plus exploded in a student’s back pocket and caught fire during class,6ABC reports.
"I felt this crazy, hot burning in my leg," Darin Hlavaty said. "Right as class was starting, my phone started smoking in my pocket. It was a fire." He continued, "It was super hot, so I flinched, grabbed it, threw it on the ground. Had to kick it because it was on fire."
The student told the site that the phone’s battery was dead and it was not plugged in. The incident happened during his 9:30 AM physical science class. By the time the fire department arrived the fire was out, but there was still a strong smell of smoke in the classroom.
"I've had it for about six months. The only thing that was wrong with it was a simple crack, but I don't see a simple crack causing it to blow up in my pocket," the child told6ABC.
It’s not clear at this point what caused the accident, but physical damage can’t be ruled out. A few days ago, a Samsung tablet exploded on an airplane during a flight. The device was found jammed between two seats, which may have caused the device to overheat.
Keeping an iPhone or any smartphone in your back pocket isn’t advisable. Not to mention that the iPhone 6 Plus is a device known to bend under certain pressure. That said, these are still isolated incidents that were not caused by manufacturing problems, which was the case with the Galaxy Note 7’s battery.

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